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Limited Scope Mediation

Mediation doesn’t have to be a budget buster. Consider Limited Scope Mediation

What does ‘Limited Scope Mediation’ mean?

Are you on a limited budget?  Do you want to monitor and be in control of legal fees?  There may be many reasons why you do not feel you need an “all-in lawyer.”  If so, consider engaging a lawyer to go with you to the mediation but nothing more.  This is called a “Limited Scope Mediation.”

You can hire a lawyer to advise you at the mediation without the lawyer being retained for any other aspect of your case.  If you retain a lawyer for this limited role, make sure your lawyer has the tools necessary to advise you thoroughly. Meet with your mediation lawyer at least once before your mediation.  You should individually gather any important documents or data and then be sure the information and documentation you have compiled is shared with your mediation lawyer. Check your County’s local rules for a list of relevant documents.  In Wake County, a list of documents can be found online at www.nccourts.org/County/Wake/Courts/Family/DomRules.asp.  (See Rule 10 and 11.)  If an agreement is reached in mediation, your lawyer can draft the document and explain legal terms and consequences to you.  If mediation impasses, you can decide whether to retain your lawyer for additional work, make another selection, or handle the matter yourself.